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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  August 31, 2010 10:15pm-11:00pm EDT

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were kind of sneaky hot, but that that quality was canceled out by a compulsive need to be right and a strange affinity for sweaters with animals on them. the most interesting part was... that, even though no one particularly liked you, they all said you were a person who could be trusted. i still am. i have this pathological need to be popular, okay? i... i just want people to think i'm cool so bad sometimes that it just clouds my judgment. okay? as a fellow star in the making, i'm... i'm sure you can understand that. on that level, sure. but as the guy who gave up everything to be your one and only, i just can't see past this. i should have been enough for you, rachel. i knew you'd break my heart. well, that's the funny thing about reputations. everyone thinks i'm the big heartbreaker, but the fact of the matter is... you broke mine first. do me a favor. if we end up next to each other on the bar at ballet club this week,
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just do your arabesques and piqués in silence. don't talk to me. ("total eclipse of the heart" plays) ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then, i get a little bit lonely ♪ ♪ and you're never comin' round ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then, i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of listening to the sound of my tears ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then, i get a little bit terrified ♪ ♪ and then i see the look in your eyes ♪ ♪ turn around, bright eyes ♪ every now and then, i fall apart ♪ ♪ and i need you now tonight ♪ and i need you more than ever ♪ ♪ and if you'll only hold me tight ♪ ♪ we'll be holding on forever ♪ and we'll only be making it right ♪ ♪ 'cause we'll never be wrong
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♪ together we can take it to the end of the line ♪ ♪ your love is like a shadow on me ♪ ♪ all of the time ♪ all of the time ♪ ♪ i don't know what to do, i'm always in the dark ♪ ♪ you're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks ♪ ♪ i really need you tonight ♪ forever's going to start tonight ♪ ♪ forever's going to start tonight ♪ ♪ once upon a time there was light in my life ♪ ♪ now i'm only falling apart ♪ ♪ there's nothing i can say ♪ total eclipse of the heart ♪ turn around, bright eyes ♪ every now and then, i fall apart ♪ ♪ turn around, bright eyes ♪ every now and then, i fall apart ♪ ♪ and i need you now tonight ♪ and i need you more than ever ♪
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♪ and we'll only be making it right ♪ ♪ 'cause we'll never be wrong ♪ together we can take it to the end of the line ♪ ♪ your love is like a shadow on me ♪ ♪ all of the time ♪ all of the time ♪ ♪ i don't know what to do, i'm always in the dark ♪ ♪ you're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks ♪ ♪ i really need you tonight ♪ forever's going to start tonight ♪ ♪ forever's going to start tonight ♪ ♪ once upon a time, i was falling in love ♪ ♪ now i'm only falling apart ♪ there's nothing i can do ♪ total eclipse of the heart ♪ turn around, bright eyes. captioning sponsored by 20th century fox and toyota. moving forward.
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captioned by media access group at wgbh (bell rings)
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>> where hurricane earl is headed now. new information on the path of the ig storm. when we will see relief from thú heat. in the sky watch forecast. >> heart starts to ppmp when you go in for a rescue. >> preparing for the worst. whht we aae doing as earl moves closer. he voted against it and kept the pay raise. %-getting nas team. whattthey ae accusing each other of doing. >> dangerous mistakes made on flights around baltimore city. >> i don't know what the deal s but it seems like there are so many here. >> questions raise baddwhat is going on inside of theeflight ú%ntrol tower. >> live in high definition, from wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news t 10:00. >> hello, i am jennifer gilbert. >> and i am jeff jeff. hurricane earl is a category, for and tonight a hurricane wwtch is in effect for most of the north carolina coast line. >> but first, eevacuations from the outer banks egin at 5:00
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tomorrow morning. tourists asked to leave some islands. people in maryland are getting ready for the storm. and as kathleen cairns reports, it has lifeguards in ocean city on red alert. >> hurricane earl is alreadyy3 makinngwwves. >> you have to hold myyfinger very hard. >> the powerful surf is pounding the beach in ocean city. juss ask joolin..3 powerful under toes are mothee nature's first hint that a hurricane is movinn up the -oast. dangerous rip currents, are aaready causing big trouble. >> just north of our pier here, area of small rip current. >> a swimmer close to being sucked into the channel. >> the lifeguard was on top of it. saw what wws going on. blows the whistle. directs them out of the dangerous area. >> it is scene that keeps on repeating. but they are past thh end of it. kind of fading it 8 w generally if there are rip currents or
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shoreebreaks, we will escue. -> dangerous rip currents can carry even a heavy person, as far as 8 feet, in just one second. that means, in just 10 seconds, a person could be3 carried'80 feet. that's this far. in olympic swimmer coold not go that far, in that time periodd >> while some people carefully enjoy the surf. >> some prefer to stay on dry from a saffr vang point. >> going to do what she is going to do. so you roll with it. >> in ocean city. kathleen cairns, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> and more beach patrols wwll anticipation of the dangerous surf, and the crowds this labor day weekend. >> the rough seas may have claimed one life in ooean city. %-washington disappeared saturd. went into the water after lifeguards left for the day. %-in the sand and wrote we loves
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one should be let in he water after hours..3 >> do not let the people come at night. close down.3úus. >> hurricane danielle caused the dangerous rip tides this past weekend. lifeguards had to perform, >> the entire state of maryland prepares for the worst, from hurricane earll >> hat is the iggest threat become late thursday intt friday, what's our -- what's he big danger here? >> governor o'maaley held a teleconferenceeearliir today. coordinating with mema, power companies and other state agencies. >> businesses in ocean city, often rely on the labor day weekend for the last big booot in sales. along the boardwalk, many offthe ú%sinesses that depend on the summer crowds for the yearlyy3 income, are watching hurricane earl's progress. they hope the usual holiday be -eekend crowds are not scared >> well, we are helping for a
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lot of people, a lot of a littll worried about theerain. but, you know, if people have booked their vacations, hopefully they will continue to >> many hotels are usually sold out on sunny labor day week. with he storm bearing down, business owners worrr that customers may cancel the reservations. %-reid has been tracking hurrice earl all dayy. >> joins us with updated information about whennthe hurriccne ill pass byyourr3 state. vvtas? >> thii is a close call. to follow a track, and we have to watch how this track will kind of play out over tte next over the nation, you can see that relatively quiet conditions, as we look east.ú this ii where theenoise is for theebahhmas right now, asg the storm continues to track up northwest at 14 miles per hour.ú and also in the outer banks, you can see the hurricane watches, to head through the next couple of days, as the storm
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approachhs. now taking a look at the storm. this is our satellite radar image of the hurricane. earl right now. caaeggrr 4 storm. with winds at 135 miles ppr hour. -usting to 161 miles per hour. churning out there. as we continue ttosee it gather that strength over the warm ocean waters. and the path of the storm is the ú%estton. everyone waats tooknow where is3 the storm going? it will stay at four for a day and a haaf or so, and then a three ff the coast of the carolinas. and yellow line shows the predicted eye. projection of where it may go. but this is the cone of incidents,,of where the possibility of wwere that eye could go as well. that, also including the eastern shore of maryland. and the mid-atlantic..3 so we are going to watch this closely. because thattcould shift ast. or actually west. excuse me. and then that would include parts of the eastern shore. so we have to watch that very closelyy model data is showing.t the plaae that flies into the storm at different areas and diffeeent
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levels looking at the track of the torm. theee are different model tracks that are the potential. most of them are off the coast. over the atlantic. %-that take it closer, inland. even out towards oceen city, and salisbury. so there are a few models that bring in closer in to laad. closely to see exactly what track this storm takes.3 so hat's wwy that coneeof incidents includes this entire %-where the actual eee passes oú over. so we can continue to morn tore the storm. and affecc us as we go into thursday niiht. fridaa. and more etails about that coming up in a bit. >> all right, vytas, hank you.3 you can be in harge of your own personalized weather forecast. i-radar available at use the interactive tools to track storms down to your %-go to and clk and stay with fox 45 news, of course, we willlhave the latest -n where hurricane earl is heading, and when it will be passing maryland in all the week long. all day long and all
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on fox 45 news att10:00. >> there is a desperate search tonight for a burglar, who attacked an he will eldeely gle3 burnie woman. jeff abell is live wherr police >> residents in country clubú estatts are on high alert ttnight. a burglar believed to be in his 20s isson the loose. and his 83-year-old victim is recovering. >> i guess you can call it may >> in country club estates, neighbors re struggling to understand who would want o hurt their 83-year-old neighbor. >> a woman keeps to heeself. she would not hurt a fly. >> she is the nicest lady you would eeer want to meet. >> early yesterday morning accidentally say a burglar forced his way into her home and attacked her. made a forced entrr into he residence, at a certain point hh sexually assaulted her and fled on foot.ú >> minutes after the attack, police found what is believed neighbor's backyardd
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ú%i understand that he pulled it from underneath of her. maybe he was afraid there was evidence on it. >> the victim one of the first to move into the community, more than 50 yyars ago. sse knows her eighbors, and her neighbors know her. ú% she leaves her front door open. she is living theee by herself. husbann passed away for a long glime as police step up patrols. neighbors keep asking, who would want to harm their neighbor? >> someone that is very, very3 sick. >> well, police are asking for your heep with ttis case. so far, they have just a vague description of the suspect. as for the victim, we're told that she is back home tonight. abelll fox 45 news at 10:00. >> retty scary, i need more -etail about how close of a call. >> later on fox 45 news at 10:00..3ú air scare.ú surprising number of times planes cooe close to collision. and the things some say is the sourcc of the probllm. >> also ahead. preventing cancer. witt your feet.
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the amount and kind of exerrise, you will need to get. >> and an arizona style immigration law is rejecced in one maryland county. i am karen parks, and i will ttll yyu how that debate has become a campaign issue, in the state.
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>> president obama declares an end to the u.s..combat role in iraq. after meeting with troops at fort bliss texas earlier today. the president addressed the -ation. sayiig after seven ears of waa. it is now time to turn the page. even as 50,000 troops will remain. >> going forward, ransitiinal force of u.s. troops will remain in iraq with a different mission. advisiig and assisting iraq security forces. targeted counter terrooism missions. and protecting our civilians. >>the president also used part of this speech to addresssthe ú%lggish u.s. economy, saying %-commander nd chief to get people back to work. earlier we asked, is it the ú%ght time to pull troops out.
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12 percent no. danielle writes on facebook. it has been long enough. troops. sharon writes, u.s. you presence will be there for decades. %-hope it is not too soon to brg the combat troops home. go to and tell us what yyu think. sound off through facebook. send us a tweet@foxbaltimore. text your answer too45203. enter fox 45 a for yes..3 fox 45 b for no. and yourrresponse may air at 11:00 on the "late edition". -> two candidates battling to become baltimore county executive are trading bashee over a series of campaign adss3 and brochures. both candidates are accusing each other of taking libertiess3 in the advertiseing. >> as our county councilman, joe secured record state funding for school construction. the faats are that justtis not true. >> councilman kevin kamenetz isú
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ttking aim at campaign literature from his opponent. councilman bartenfelder admits securing construction money was a team effort but he personally lobbied governor o'malley for morr funding. we are not looking out for our own parochial nterest in our dissrict. but what the needs are for the county as a whole. >> bartenfelder is responding t3 ads from cabinets that feature photos of the oil spill in the gulf. and ad claims he voted or a bill whhn he was governor to limit (inaudible) if a similar spill were to occur in the chesapeake bay. bartenfelder calls the ad misleading. >> i am all for protecting the bay, i am for the environment. i am an outdoorsman, i go fishing in the chesapeake bay. we have never had an oil ssill here. >> bartenfelder is also opponent that features a retireú %-kamenetz.cer endorsing kevin >> are you saying that some people elieve ttat cafvin cabinets was endorsed by fop.
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>> people o believe it. >> bartenfelder said he is the one endorsed by the fraternal ordee of police. %-approve it for hhmselfvoted to >> new poll shows ademocrats may hhve a rouuh time winning3 elections. registered voters prefer republican candidate for congress more thaa democratic by 10 points. %-largest g.o.p. advantage in te history of thisspolll which began, back in 1942.ú >> frederick county leaders reject a measure tooestablish aú arizona style immigrationnlaw right here ii maryland. >> karen parks joins us and said is springs his disappoontmentr
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over the vote..3 karen? >> jennifer and jeff, republican murphy said not adooting the laws simiiar to those in arizona is a big mistake. some call theemeasures racial, murphy said it sets ground rules to kkep all americans safe. >> illegal immigration is unameeicaa. >> gubernatorial candidate murphy addrrsses a crowd in commissioners rrject a proposal to establish an arizona style immigration law in maryland. %->> the law would have required police to question criminal suspects about heir immigration and it would also prohibit employers from hiring illegal immigrants foo day lboo. >> creates bllck mmrkets for people.ú robs people of the american dream because you are not welcome heee if you are here illegally. >> board members voted three to two not to include the measure -n a package sent to the county state legislative delegation. to bring before the next year general assembly.
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>> everything that touches our lives. >> chuck jenkins is the sheriff. ú% is impacted by illegal >> bird that fammly came here legally from germ mm pastors a church in baltimore county. and said that arizona, immigration laws, should be -dopted byythe entire state. >> massiie numbers come in of ttberculosis, never sea, no medical chhcks or criminal investigations. hispanic advocacy group casa de maryland ffr a comment but no one available. however, on the website, witt regard to arizona immigration llgalized racial profiling. and it is in a front on all of our civil rights, especially latinos. >> karen parks, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> yes, we saw one, one time, that diverted the landing. >> later on fox 45 news at 10:00.ú
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source of a surprising numberrof near collisions, at area airports. >> sort of like being the 10,000,000 visitor at disney world. >> the upgrade one car maker is offering. it is only for the very serious car lover. >> tracking hurricane earl, strong category 4 storm. how that could affect the ♪ stinky ♪ hefty ♪ stinky ♪ hefty ♪ stinky, stinky ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty [ announcer ] hefty bags with unscented odor block technology... help neutralize odors and stop the stinkies. ♪ stinky, stinky, stinky ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty
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>> it is alarming to see how many paths earl can take. too early to tell. >> we ope it is the one waa out. >> several of them come together. and youuget annidea. but it is based oo the weather different irection. %-but tracking the stormmcan bea problem for parts of maryland. and it is a big storm. this is a pressure to contend with. definiiely..3 talking about our national watches and warnings here..3 you can see that alleady there are, on the eastern parts of ooter banks, we have hhrricane watches out. they have hurricane activee3 warnings now for parts of the -am, bam islands. so definitely theyyare in the thick of it as this stormm3 progressesstheir direction. so watch that closely through the next 24 to 36 hours. as far as what is going on with the hurricane. taking a ook at the atlantic satellite. cat gore four storm.
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winds at 132. defined eye. %-as the pressure drops, it gets stronger, iconndeniess and compacts stronger. winds at 161 miles per hour. so very dangerous storm we havv to continue to watch. looking at theepotential track. this is a possible track. issued by thh model data from the national hurricane center out of fraflorida. ú%llow line indicates the -otential of theeeye and where the blue is cone of incident where the potentially the storm coold go. further west it could gee close to thh coast line of the mid-atlantic. so watch it closely. %-take.eral tracks it could based on what is happening close by. at the time. so looking at the potential possible track. this is the model data that is possible. as the hurricane hunter plane flies in at different levels. different potential tracks that could be happennng with the storm. -s yyu can see, few of them take it closer and, one, model takes it over parts of virginia, and over parts of eastern maryland.
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out toward ocean city and salisbury. so watch it closely. the bulk of them are outtover the atlantic. so that's what we are definitely watching. those could shift over the next several days ere. downtoww. lining at the relatively quiett3 conditions. looking at quiet conditions down. clear skies. relatively nice night. 77 degrees w winds out of the west-southwest at three. high today was 95. low 64. cootinue to see a warmmtrend for the next couple of days, until changes move in from the nnrthwest. 86 in baltimore. 82 dc. 83 in hagerstown. and bigger picture shows high pressure could be the saving grace from the storm. because the high will try to push it back ouu to the atlantic. and we have a cold front that will drop the temperatures down. thattis cominggin from the northwest that. will get here by thursday night. giving us a chance for showers into thursday niiht, friday. proposals you can see the clouds starting to approach in as this is associated with hurricane earl. so we will start to see some efffcts of this system. as we go tooard hurrday niggt ú%night clear skies. 79. tomorrow, hot, 94.
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ú%re sunshhne. and then our five-day forecast shows 92 thursddy. friday a chance for showers. we can get maybe more activity. wiih the asssciation of earl. and then saturday, sunday, back in the lower 80s with lenty of sunshine. >> later on the fox 45 news at 10:00. two men take off in an airplane in the netherlands. things that concern investigators and what they are saying this evening. >> scary. need more detail about how close of a call. >> next, the surprising number of times the planes come close
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asking questions after an alarming number of mistakes by air trafffc controllers. that almost resulted in crashes. >> melinda roeder has more on what is being done about it. and why travelers should be concerned. >> there are systems on board airliners to keep them from collide in mid air. but allrms are going off so frequently in air space that, faa sent in a safety review team to find out why. >> they crossed a number that they think should not be exceeded. and the numbee of violations. so they are looking into it. i think, they will clean it up too. >> scary. i need more detail about exactly
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or if this is something common in other airports. >> there are separate sets of air traffic controllers guidingú each plane. one while they are on the ground. another when the plane is airborne and a third for the long hall. >> when you haad off from one to theeother, there can bee3 compeeition, there can be actually conflict. >> some insiders say the problem is a new program that allows controllers to report their own errors without earrof %-in a written statement, faa spokesman laura brown claims on board collision avoidancc systems give aircraft a extra margin of safety. however the alert does not always mean there is a loss of requiied sepaaation between aircraft, or that an unssfe >> we actually saw one, one time that, diverted the landing. he came in and he was starting to land and went bbck up. i never saw what happened. >> whatever is behind it. n.t.s.b. to get to the bottom f it. >> i don't know what the deal is, but seems ike there are so many here.
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>> melinda roeder, fox 45 news at 10::0. >> next, on fox 45 news at 10:00. them takennoff this plane. and what investigators are saying about it tonight. >> the amount and kind of this droid has evolved to do even more.
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now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard. turning you into an instrument of efficiency. introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does.
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>> this is video of two men being arrested on a plane in amsterdam, on a flight from detroit. they are natives of yemen. tonight. several items in their checked bags, raiseddred flags for authorities. including mobile phones, taped together. %-pepto bismol.o a bottle of knife ann box cutter. today u.s. law enforcement3 officials say the men were most likely not planning a terrorist attack. and did not knnw each other. >> he is a good guy. whatever. never believe he would do ú% charges not filed agaanst the >> small plane just missesands.
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several cars while making an emergency landing in florida. witnesses say the plane veered into the shoulder of a highway, before hitting some trees, on i-10 in jacksonville. plane lost power shortly after takkoff. airport and reelized it was too late and used the highway instead. two men escaped serioos injury. >> car lovers, one car manufacturer is offering the ultimate upgrade. >> general motors is lettinn customers build their own engine. the option is onny being offered on the 2011 corvette zr 1. radio host todd schmidt was the first to try it. >> feels great. and like i am a lottery winner, because i am a regular customer that ordered the car. i selected their optton. one. sorttof like being the 10,000,000 visitor at disney world. >> the upgrrde cost $5800. ú%d once youusign up, you willl3 be buildinggthe engine in a few
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>> new researchhrevvals tonight walkinggcould prevent thousands of cancer cases each and every year. ú%rld cancer reeearch fund found that 45 minuues of mooerate exercise a day could help to prevent breast and bowel cancer. moderate exercise is exertion that causes the heart to beat faster and exerts breathe. -f you don't have 45 minutes to give, you can do shorter bouts thha total 45 minutes at the end of the day. >> next, fun at the
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>>weel, of course horse racing %-but you can get juss as uch action in a much smaller package. >> indeed you can. all this week aa the maryland state fair you can watch the pig races. pigs began to race at five weeks of age. they don't have much of a career, however. you know, they are replaced after about two months. >> pigs aae smaat. it takes 5 or 6 days to train a3 pig to run around aatrack for a cookie. onne they catch o they love chocolate. they do welll
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oreos and racing at the fares. to get you to the stateefair. remind you that the fox 45 news crew will be at the state fair saturday starting at 3:00. stop bb the booth to say hi and have your picture takkn with members of the news team. >> and don't forget you can see the hottest concert of the3 summer at the maryland state fair. justin bieber, performs at a sold out shhw this sunday. you can win tickets from s. just watch fox 45 news all week, ffr your chance to win. >> the raaens make a trade for a -ornerback.


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